Saturday, January 9, 2010

Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia Iron-deficiency Anaemia The Causes And Diagnosis.?

Iron-deficiency anaemia the causes and diagnosis.? - causes of iron deficiency anaemia

I have an iron deficiency for at least 5 years and at the time of my diagnosis of iron, it was 5 on a scale of normal 11.5-15.
I have iron tablets, since then, and my account February 09, iron was finally healthy at 12.9! Since I stopped taking the tablets, and focuses on a balanced diet, exercise is very healthy (I study nutrition) and regularly. But say in my last test, the doctor, I'm anemic again! and when I read the test results with 5 on a scale of (9-28). Do you know how anemia is it? anyidea what is the cause? Ive been tested for celiac disease seems to be, and had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy, no doctor to know why you do not take iron tablets.


Joe D said...

Iron deficiency can be frustrating, and you can never determine the exact reason, your body will not take enough iron in their diet. There is also a possibility that can occult bleeding (GI) to reduce their iron stores.

It's great that you see your doctor about this problem, as always, lends itself cannnot diagnose iron deficiency, and suffer thousands of iron from liver disease.

This site has a good overview: ...

Joe D said...

Iron deficiency can be frustrating, and you can never determine the exact reason, your body will not take enough iron in their diet. There is also a possibility that can occult bleeding (GI) to reduce their iron stores.

It's great that you see your doctor about this problem, as always, lends itself cannnot diagnose iron deficiency, and suffer thousands of iron from liver disease.

This site has a good overview: ...

Rhianna Returns said...

Mainly due to blood loss. In women, the main cause of menorrhagia (is) heavy periods. Unless the underlying cause of anemia is dissolved in iron, of course, has become inadequate again (if you stop taking food supplements)

Has been to manage their difficult times? Otherwise, your doctor will prescribe medications to reduce bleeding and the pill is an option.

If you have any hard times, then further tests need to determine why they are lower. Intestinal bleeding is another cause that sounds like you had tests to rule out this possibility.

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